Welcome to Lübeck

World UNESCO Heritage site in northern Germany near the Baltic Sea beaches
We will take you on a marvellously 2 hours guided city walk:
Discover the medieval picturesque old town of the seven spires – located on an island full of charme and hidden architectural treasures.
Visit e.g. the enormous gothic brick churches, some of the cobbled lanes and tiny court yards, the huge medieval merchant and ware houses, the city-gates, the14th century town hall, the Hospital of the Holy Spirit, the Marzipan House and so many other unique places and /or museums.
We also offer excellent coach excursions to different destinations in the Federal States of Schleswig-Holstein and Mecklenburg as well as to the Baltic Sea Coast.
All depends on your time schedule and interest, we will always cordially and professionally attend you in every aspect of your visit.
Kindly contact us at any time and speak to
Karin Peters
Fon: +49-451-7070989
Fax: +49-451-7070989
eMail: karin.peters@stadtfuehrung-in-luebeck.de
We are a professional, qualified and experienced group of Lübeck guides speaking the following languages:
English German Spanish Italian French Russian